promoting sustainability in the Amazon
Amazon Lights is a proud supporter of Community Trade in the Brazilian Amazon. Andiroba oil, a key ingredient in our premium outdoor products, is provided to our manufacturing facilities through the indigenous tribes of the Amazon.
The Amazon rainforest is rich in medicinal plants and natural oils that have applications for many industries. Amazon Lights believes the best way to protect the Amazon is to help develop the commercial use of sustainable products from the rainforest.
Amazon Lights is able to make an impact on Community Trade as consumers and retailers purchase our premium outdoor products. By sharing your positive Amazon Lights experience with others, we will collectively make a greater difference. Our thanks and gratitude goes out to our consumers, retailers and manufacturing partners for their support of Amazon Lights.
100% Amazonia
Andiroba oil sourced through our trade partner 100% Amazonia. Located in the Amazon Delta, 100% Amazonia specializes in renewable, non-timber forest products, sourced from the most biodiverse locale on the planet. They help companies turn those products into healthy ingredients for food supplements, drinks, and cosmetics. By respecting local culture and generating income for traditional and indigenous communities, 100% Amazonia builds a bridge between nature and humankind, encouraging and promoting sustainability in the Amazon.